
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Jaymee & Alex's Story

These are the Tataryn children. They look like any other children, right?

Here is their story.

By Miranda Tataryn - their mom.

My name is Miranda Tataryn my husbands name is Mike and our children's names are Alex and Jaymee. Alex is 6 and has Severe global development delay with profound communication impairment with spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy with hyper-kinetic movement... disorder and Jaymee is 2 and has Severe global development delay with profound communication impairment with spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy with hyper-kinetic movement disorder and severe orthopedic deformities. Alex and Jaymee are both severely disabled. My husband and I were perfectly healthy at both pregnancies but still something went wrong. All the doctors and specialists still to this day don't know what went wrong. We are still taking every effort to find out what went wrong but everything takes so much time.My husband works so hard to take care of us but equipment for disabled persons is so expensive , it makes it that much harder. We live in a trailer and it was a good starter home but now it is becoming very hard to take care of our children's needs. The trailer just isn't working. Alex has a walker and other equipment that he needs on a daily basis but cannot use because of lack of space. The same goes for Jaymee. We can apply for a grant for home renovations to put in lift systems to aid in bathing, ramps and structural support but in the long run we still wont be able to give our children all the freedom and enjoyment out of life, where are now is just to small. In order to get into a forever home that will make our kids lives better (and save our body's from lifting the kids and their equipment, so our body's will last so we can care for them for the rest of our lives) we need a down payment of $55,000 and can not come up with the money on our own.So please, we are looking for donations any little bit will help us meet our goal even $5 or $10 donations help. We will be accepting cheques and if you would like to mail them i can give you our mailing address and you can also email money transfer to also if you have any questions you can email me at the same email address. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts and more ♥

Please vistit The Tataryn's page. They will have a paypal donation button soon. In the meantime you can still email donations to

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